For best results, apply to a clean, degreased, dry surface. Remove any residual rust and scale with a wire brush. Prime as necessary before applying the spray paint. Patch test on an inconspicuous area or test material (card/paper) to ensure suitability and allow to dry. When painting over previously painted surfaces, check for compatibility on a small area first. Always check compatibility with substrate before use.

Invert the can and shake vigorously for 2
minutes after the agitator ball starts to rattle.
Shake frequently during use. Hold upright and
spray from a distance of approximately
15-30cm. Apply in light even layers. For best
results, apply 2 light films at 40-60 minute
intervals rather than 1 heavy film. Additional
layers can be applied at 40-60 minute
intervals. Clear nozzle after use – invert the can
and spray for 3 seconds or until only
propellants is expelled.

Soft dry in 15 minutes at 20C. Hard dry in 60 minutes at 20C. Fully cured in approximately 24 hours at 20C. Over-spray can be cleaned with white spirits.